Surgery 5/19/15-Liver & Colon… be gone??….


Well I’m sure you are all quite surprised that we survived New Orleans, but we did… in one piece. No injuries, no one lost or left behind… that happens when you have one SOBER person… ha.

Anywho, Tuesday they have surgery scheduled for 9:30am. I’ll get there that morning… do some stuff… Surgery supposedly will start around 10am, liver first and then colon, maybe around 8 hours of surgery. From what I’ve been told, I can expect to not really have any recollection of anything from this night until the next day at some point… you are pretty doped up. I’ll be in the hospital for about a week, then I can go home.

My dad gets in town Sunday (17th), my mom will arrive the following week to assist in the home stay (good times)…

I guess they do the surgery Tuesday, then get you up and moving around the following day, as to get things back to normal, so your body starts “working” again.

I’ll be doing a colon prep Monday, if anyone is bored and wants to help with that… 😉

You can likely check back on the site for updates, as it will be tough for my friends and family to keep everyone individually informed, please be patient with them and try not to bombard them with too many questions…

Once out of the hospital, I will apparently be extremely tired. I’m still supposed to get up and move around as much as possible, without straining myself. It will be a boring few weeks. I expect to lose some weight… so beware when I come out of this thin and fierce… or thinner…

I’ll likely be off of work for about a month or so… depending… I don’t know much more than that…

I’d say visitors should hold off for the first day, at least. After that we’ll see how it goes… Obviously don’t visit if you’re ill or have Ebola or anything else airborne… 😉

Hmm… what else, more to come.

3 thoughts on “Surgery 5/19/15-Liver & Colon… be gone??….”

  1. You are in my thoughts, funny lady. With your spirit and friend base, you can whip anything’s ass!

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