Break dance… 6/6/18

Well the latest update is a good one. I got my results of my scans and bloodwork from the end of May. It looks like everything is back to “stable”. They are just watching a lymph node at this time; it hasn’t changed much since the fall. My blood tests look good (nothing showing up on my Guardant360-blood biopsy), the APC mutation that had surfaced has washed back out with treatment. Whatever was creeping around in the fall, after my last break, looks to be back in hiding or under control (since starting back on maintenance chemo January). This is great news. I’m officially on another chemo break. I’ll have my blood tested each month and have my next scan in August. Nice way to start off the summer, what a treat.

I haven’t been working since mid March, in order to get in some family time and personal time. The family time has been great, much needed and long overdue. We just got back from Canada, who doesn’t love their motherland and hockey?

Kim and I joined a gym (my poor trainer…) and started eating a little healthier. I’m still waiting to hear back from some third opinion locations I’ve sent my health records off to. It seems some doctors are still moving around and others are quite busy. Still in the works.

I’m super excited to take another break and hopefully follow in the footsteps of The Great Teri Griege (ha). I know things won’t always be like this, so I’m going to enjoy it. I know a lot of people that haven’t been as fortunate as me with getting these “breaks”, I wish everyone could experience this… long term.

Cheers all! Hoping for some extended time off, don’t want to have to pull a “Ross”.


5 thoughts on “Break dance… 6/6/18”

  1. Love to hear your updates. You are so positive and bubbly! Glad you were able to get home to Med Hat!

  2. Amazing!! Happy for you. You keep me motivated👍 It was so nice to see you girls. Stay sarcastic I love it!!

  3. This is so awesome Jill!!! So glad to hear the news.


    Ummm??? When can we see you???

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