It was a white Christmas… As in, I’m pale…

I guess white is better than YELLOW. Nobody wants jaundice. It would make my teeth look better though. Hmmm…

Anywho, I had my staples removed last Thursday. Things look pretty good, considering. image


And there’s nothing wrong with scars:


Dr. Hawkins removed the staples and said I’ll have another 2-3 rounds of chemo. I’ll find out more about it next month when I Meet with my oncologist. Apparently, I’ll have a scan prior to any chemo to check healing progress. I’m guessing this scan will take place at the end of January or beginning of February.

My job at this time is to basically do nothing and heal. I don’t have much energy and if I do, I don’t have it for very long. Very typical with having part of the liver removed. They said it will be like a roller coaster. Some days I’ll have more energy than others. Mostly, I’ll be tired after short periods of having any energy. This healing takes 2-3 months. I guess it builds up over time.

As of now, I  take walks around the block. Some trips are easier than others. I take Lucy with me sometimes. This proves exhausting for her too after we return home. Little short legs. Poor dog.


Happy holidays to everyone. I’ll update when I’ve talked to my oncologist I guess.



2 thoughts on “It was a white Christmas… As in, I’m pale…”

  1. Hi Jill…just wanted to send a note to let you know that I am thinking about you and sending you lots of good energy and healing thoughts! I know you have a mafia of love and amazing friends all around you all the time! It’s quite amazing actually! Here’s to you and a wonderful new year of health and love!! Cheers!

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