Chemo Makes Your Feet Grow

For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of viewing Jill’s new zipper…this is the pre-staple removal picture…yes that’s pure fear in Beans’ eyes as the doctor approached with a pair of pliers to rip out the 35+ staples which were holding her together for the past 14 days.  I quite like this picture because the weird angle makes her look super distorted with tiny little arms and hands.

imageFortunately, it wasn’t as painful as she was anticipating…it was all going very well until she pretended to faint as an excuse to pass gas…apparently flatulence is not as frowned upon by the care givers in the hospital if they believe you are unconscious when it happens.  I’m not 100% sure the physician’s assistant fell for her act though since she put on her mask immediately after the incident.


Within minutes all the staples were out and Jill is now left with this beauty…ahhhh the stories we will be able to create with this scar for all those future trips to the beach.  I’m leaning towards a story that involves Jill carrying a stone baby around for the past 20 years like that lady did in Brazil.


She is experiencing some weird and unpredicted side effects…presumably from the chemo or possibly from the fact that she is missing numerous organs now and her body doesn’t know what to do with the extra space.  Her feet have started growing about 1/2 size per day!  She’s wearing a size 20 now…weird.  Thankfully Nordstroms supplies shoes for NBA players so we took a trip out there.  I think her dreams of becoming a ballerina are now officially over. image

She’s also having trouble reading small print since her surgery…thankfully since we’re all over 40 we have plenty of readers laying around.  I must admit…it is fairly creepy seeing her sit in her leather recliner with readers flipping through the pages of Penthouse for hours and hours upon end.  We’re pretty sure her eyes are actually ok…she just forgets to open them most of the time and starts yelling that she can’t see…oxycodone you must go away soon.imageFor the most part she’s doing great…back up to 5,000+ steps daily…that’s almost as many naps as she takes a day!

Thanks for all of the prayers and support…please keep them coming!

3 thoughts on “Chemo Makes Your Feet Grow”

  1. Lindsay is always such a good sport. I love how you always somehow tie in the flatulence… It’s like you’re obsessed. With farting and urine catheters. You have problems.
    99 problems and the gas ain’t one…

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